Stuckey United Project
A website designed to encourage young athletes to join the program!
I decided to use a very engaging video that showcases the team playing, sportsmanship, and include the mission of the team. This really highlights the culture of the team and shows users what this program is about.
The Home Page includes a clear menu that users can navigate to different pages. On a mobile device it leads to a drop down menu to navigate to other pages including: coaches page, about page, contact us, testimonials, and media. I wanted to include a brief description and elaborate on the mission for the about page and include media to highlight team culture.
The stakeholder’s wanted all the information a user might need to know to be included on the site. They also wanted everything to be engaging for users to use. So I included the tryout information clearly on the programs page with an eye-catching design.
While doing the competitive analysis #1, I found that the testimonials pages were impersonal and too small to mane any impact on a user. So I decided to focus on putting pictures to match the player’s testimonial and a highlight video of them playing. This was made for youth athlete users so that they can see other players on the team and learn what the program is like. I also made the font of their quote much bigger as well to make it easier for users to see.
Players, parents, and stakeholder’s also emphasized having a page that shows all the coaching staff with their experience and bios. I decided to highlight the owner first and then include all the supporting coaching staff with links to their own playing, coaching, and other experience.
While completing this freelance project I learned a lot about the process of UX Research and Design. One of the things I learned is the emphasis on balancing stakeholder’s needs and wants along with the user’s in order to produce a product that is easy to use and fulfills the wishes of the client. In this particular project a lot of them overlapped however, I know that might not necessarily be the case for every project. How I decided to navigate the feedback given from users was by looking through and organizing into categories what was similar in their complaints. After doing that, I was able to finish the final design and making it easy and accessible for users.
Lastly, some of the things I would have changed in this project would have been more of an emphasis on accessibility. I did not include alternative captions for the pictures and videos which made me realize I was excluding some people out of being able to use this site. Now that I know this about what I missed in this project, I will include it in my future ones.
Stuckey United is an organized youth basketball program attached to the training facility, Shoot360. Rodney Stuckey, an ex NBA player is the owner of both organizations.
The goal of this project was to make an informational website that is easy to use for all ages so that they can share more about this youth program.
Role & Duration
Lead UX/UI Research & Designer
User Research, Wireframes, Prototyping & Testing, User Interviews
January - March 2024
Client - Rodney Stuckey & Shoot360
The Problem
Stuckey United originally started off as an Instagram account advertising for their program at Shoot360’s facility. However, a lot of participants did not use Instagram so they were unaware of tryouts, as well as practice and training times.
The website needed to be created so that players, parents, and caretakers of all ages can access and use it easily for the information needed for making the team!
Process and Approach
User Research - Qualitative Interviews
I utilized the user research to fully understand what was necessary for users to see on the website and what challenges they were facing without access to one currently. I interviewed 6 parents, 4 boy players and 4 girl players. All of the interviewees had varying identities and backgrounds. These were the most common answers I found that were included in needs that the users felt were necessary.
Stakeholder’s Ideas
Competitive Analysis #1
Competitive Analysis #2
Initial Wireframes
These are my paper wireframes that I made for original designs of this site. I wanted to have the brand and logo highlighted with their mission on the Home Page which is included here on the right. Then I wrote out what I thought would be necessary, like a hamburger for the drop down menu. However, I eventually went away from that and just had the tabs spelled out for users to make it easier for everyone to use.
In the drop down menu that is on the mobile app, I wanted to include tryouts however I decided to ultimately just put that on the program page to make the site less crowded and easier to navigate.